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Protective Services announces video, tip line and safety tips for employees

Protective Services encourages employees to take advantage of resources designed to help keep them safe, including a life-threatening event video, new phone number to report anything suspicious and safety tips.

The life-threatening events/active shooter video is now on HealthStream. It includes the simulated active-shooter event and FAQs on how employees can protect themselves and patients in a life-threatening situation.

Protective Services has also launched a tip line, 203-688-7777 (SSSS – for “See Something, Say Something”). Employees at any YNHH location may call to report suspicious items, people or activities, 24/7. The number connects with Protective Services for an immediate response. The number to report an in-hospital emergency, 155, has not changed.

Employees are also encouraged to follow these safety tips, many of which can also be used during non-working hours:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity or people.
  • In dangerous situations, take evasive action; never engage with the adversary (for example, use an escape route, change direction, look for other pedestrians, make noise, shout for help).
  • Don’t be preoccupied with your cell phone.
  • Establish a buddy system for walking to and from your vehicle.
  • Whenever possible, park in well-lit areas.
  • Always have keys ready so you can enter your vehicle quickly.
  • Scan the inside of your vehicle before entering.
  • Once inside your vehicle, immediately lock your doors.
  • When walking to and from your vehicle, use the hospital’s ELERTS application (log in to Employee Self Service, select the “Security” tab and enter your email for a link to download the app to your phone).
  • Use hospital shuttles when traveling to and from parking lots or between campuses.
  • Request a Protective Services escort: York Street Campus, 203-688-2500; Saint Raphael Campus, 203-789-3800.
  • When alone in an elevator, stand at the front, near the control panel, so you can exit immediately or call for help in an emergency.
  • Avoid carrying large handbags/totes and try to conceal your jewelry when walking on the street.
  • If you see something, say something. Even if it turns out to be nothing, it’s better to be safe.

For more information, contact Protective Services: YSC, 203-688-2500; SRC, 203-789-3800.