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Paula Zimbrean, MD, is a psychiatrist who specializes in treating patients with adjustment disorders, mood disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol addiction, and delirium. She specializes in evaluation and treatment of patients with co-morbid medical illness and psychiatric symptoms. Among them, she has a special interest in organ transplant candidates and recipients and in organ donors.
“One of the most satisfying parts of my job is seeing patients who are hospitalized in critical condition improve and go back to their lives,” Dr. Zimbrean says. “Sometimes I don’t recognize them at a follow-up appointment because they look so much better.”
“For my organ transplant patients, I often have to reassure them that strong emotions are expected and transient,” Dr. Zimbrean says.
Her research focuses on intensive psychiatric interventions for hospitalized patients and mental health disorders associated with organ transplantation
Dr. Zimbrean is the director of transplant psychiatry services at Yale New Haven Hospital and an associate director of the Consultation Liaison Psychiatry fellowship.
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Room LV125
New Haven, CT 06519
Phone: (203) 688-2619
Fax: (203) 737-2221
800 Howard Avenue
Yale Physicians Building 4th Fl.
New Haven, CT 06519
Phone: (203) 785-2565
Fax: (203) 785-6524
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