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Benjamin A. Howell, MD, MPH (VA Scholar) grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and earned his undergraduate degree from Columbia University. He received his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco along with a Masters of Public Health from the UC Berkeley School of Public Health. He completed residency training in the Internal Medicine-Primary Care residency at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Following residency, he was the Chief Resident for Advocacy and Community Health in the Yale Internal Medicine-Primary Care residency program, where he has developed a curriculum focused on community engagement and advocacy for resident trainees. Dr. Howell is interested in improving the health outcomes of individuals who have experience incarceration, increasing access to harm reduction strategies for addiction (specifically naloxone access and buprenorphine treatment), and developing innovative models of primary care delivery.
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1450 Chapel St
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 789-4044
Fax: (203) 867-5205
150 Sargent Drive
New Haven, CT 06511
Phone: (203) 503-3000
Fax: (203) 503-6579
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