Monday, October 7, 2019
Yale New Haven Hospital named one of first Pulmonary Embolism Comprehensive Care Centers of Excellence in the WorldNew Haven, CT (Sept. 19, 2024) – The PERT Consortium, a leading authority in pulmonary embolism care, announced that Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH) was designated as one of the first of three Pulmonary Embolism Comprehensive Care Centers of Excellence in the world.
Yale New Haven Hospital names Beth Heinz senior vice president, Women’s and Children’s ServicesNEW HAVEN, CT (July 8, 2024) – Yale New Haven Hospital’s Medical-Surgical units Celentano 4 on the Saint Raphael Campus and EP 4-6 on the York Street Campus received PRISM Awards from the National Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses and Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification Board.
Smilow announces first administration of unprecedented radiotherapy treatmentNew Haven, CT (Sept. 5, 2024) – Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven today announced they successfully delivered the world’s first radiotherapy treatment plan that efficiently combines different radiotherapy modalities to treat a patient with metastatic cancer.