Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Fairfield, CT - The Fairfield Wildcats Youth Cheerleading program are selling pink bracelets at all home games in October as part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In addition, the boys and girls in grades K-8 are wearing pink accessories such as socks, shoelaces, bows and armbands to help raise awareness of the disease. The money raised by selling the bracelets will support the Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center’s programs for underserved women.
Carrie Lampley, the cheer coordinator for the Wildcats, made ribbons for the cheerleaders and coordinated the selling of the bracelets. “The girls were looking for a community service project and came up with the idea to wear pink ribbons and sell bracelets in October for the Breast Care Center,” she says.
The students were inspired by NFL players who also are donning pink for the month. The boys, especially, are enthusiastic, sending their mothers to find pink accessories. Tom Grace, president of the Fairfield Wildcats, provided pink ribbon socks for the players. “Our league is proud to give back to the community,” he says.
Robin Righter, development/events coordinator at the Breast Care Center, says, “As a parent of a fourth grade player, I am so inspired by their enthusiasm. They look up to their NFL heroes and are so excited to wear pink gear for the games. The recognition these boys and girls are giving to breast cancer and the importance of early detection is invaluable. We can all do our part to raise awareness, and the Wildcats cheerleaders and football players are doing a great job! The Breast Care Center is so honored to have them raise money for our patients and services."
Part of Bridgeport Hospital and the Yale New Haven Health System, the Norma F. Pfriem Breast Care Center, a member of the prestigious National Consortium of Breast Care Centers, has served more than 20,000 women and their families since it was established in 1999. One of only 200 sites accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), the Center provides a wide range of diagnostic care and treatment at its Bridgeport Hospital and Fairfield locations, including medical oncology, surgical and chemotherapy services, plastic surgery, mammography and radiation therapy, and genetic risk assessment as well as opportunities to participate in clinical trials.
The Breast Care Center office at 111 Beach Road in Fairfield also provides comprehensive women’s wellness services, including nutrition counseling, massage and Reiki therapy, wig and prosthesis fitting, counseling, yoga, Pilates, naturopathic medicine, and other patient support activities. The Center has a satellite office on Park Avenue in Trumbull.
For more information, call 203.255.5300 or visit the Center on the web at online.