Cardiovascular Disease
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Daniel Greif, MD, treats patients with general cardiovascular diseases.
A professor of medicine (cardiology) and genetics, his research is focused on the science of cardiovascular and pulmonary health and disease. His lab investigates the blood vessel wall and the lung in normal development and in vascular and fibrotic pathologies. “A key component of many cardiovascular diseases is the accumulation of excess smooth muscle cells. We are uncovering the sources of these cells and the mechanisms underlying their recruitment,” says Dr. Greif.
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800 Howard Avenue
Yale Physicians Building
New Haven, CT 06519
Phone: (203) 785-4191
Fax: (203) 737-6014
20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Phone: (650) 804-4128
Fax: (203) 737-2040
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