Two days after an earthquake devastated Haiti, Yale New Haven Hospital participated in a press conference at the headquarters of the local chapter of the NAACP on how the community can help Haiti and its people. James Rawlings, executive director, Community Health, and president of the local NAACP; Haiti native Ralph Jean-Mary, business manager, Emergency Department, and treasurer of the NAACP; and Vin Petrini, senior vice president, Public Affairs; discussed the enormous needs in Haiti, that money is needed desperately and how organizations and individuals can help.
YNHH, the NAACP and other community organizations have created a fund that the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven will administer. Yale New Haven has pledged $5,000 to the fund. Those who would like to donate using a credit card should go to the Community Foundations web site at and click on the Haiti site. Those who would like to send a check should make it out to Community Foundation NAACP Haitian Fund and mail it to
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven
70 Audubon Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Carlos Lourenco, director of materials in Purchasing and Contracting, worked with departments throughout the hospital and collected medical equipment and supplies that was shipped to Haiti via AmeriCares, the Stamford-based non-profit that gives disaster relief and medical aid to people in crisis in the U.S. and around the world.
In addition to wound care, intravenous and first aid supplies, Lourenco was able to gather enough suture kits from Perioperative Services, instrument sets from Central Sterile Supply, paper plates from Food and Nutrition Services and toilet paper from Environmental Services to fill three large pallets. Pharmacy Services also contributed much needed medications and drugs for the relief efforts.